
Friday, July 2, 2010

Hi Future Readers!!

Hi future readers!

I know you are out there looking for me as I am looking for you. I created this blog out of passion for reading self-help books. My passion for learning is unquenchable and my passion for sharing what I learned is unstoppable. If you are like me (who likes self-help books) and you stumbled in this blog 'by accident' then I believe I am the one friend you are looking for. We are kindred spirits looking for each other because I believe you have a role to play in my life and I have a role to play in yours. My hope is that you will take part of this process of enrichment.

What will you expect from this blog?
1. Book Lessons. Instead of writing a review I decided to share ideas that will help enrich everyone. I will throw the bones and eat the flesh.
2. Correspondence. I hope that one day another blogger will find its way here and post his book lessons here.
3. Friendship. It is rare to find a friend and I hope I can be on to you.

Tomorrow I will post a blog about a book I am reading. For now visit my favorite blogs:
YuppieTalks and 90-day Challenge Journal .

See you at the top,